About Irish Dance

Adults in Irish Dance

Fun and opportunity at every age.

Irish dance offers a wealth of opportunities for prospective dancers of every age. Whether you are looking for fun, fitness, friendship, competition, performance, or any combination of the above, there is a place in Irish dance for you. Click the links below, or scroll to learn more about joining Irish dance as an adult!

Question 1

Can you start Irish dance as an adult?

Absolutely! You can start Irish dance at any age. IDTANA and its member schools offer a wide variety of opportunities for adult dancers, whether you want to compete, dance for fitness, connect with your Irish heritage, perform, or simply have fun and pick up a few steps. Regardless of your reasons for wanting to dance, you are welcome within our community.

Question 2

What opportunities exist for adults in Irish dance?

Whatever your reasons for starting Irish dance, there is an opportunity for you as an adult dancer. Adult Irish dancers may choose to dance recreationally or competitively. Irish dance is an amazing workout, a wonderful social community, and fun for dancers of all ages. Adult Irish dancers who wish to perform can often find opportunities through their dance schools and beyond. Adult dancers are also welcome to take the CLRG grade exams, which are a wonderful way for dancers to measure their progress in Irish dance, whether or not they choose to compete.

Specific opportunities may vary by dance school, so always speak with a prospective teacher first to make sure their offerings align with your goals!

Question 3

Can adult Irish dancers compete?

Yes! IDTANA offers extensive competition opportunities at the local, regional, and national level specifically for dancers who begin as adults or who return to Irish dance after a long break. Local competitions called feiseanna (singular, feis) offer opportunities for beginners through the championship level. Adult competitions are also available at each region’s yearly championships (known as the Oireachtas) and at the North American Irish Dance Championships.

Question 4

Who is considered an adult dancer?

IDTANA offers two adult competition categories:

An Adult dancer is anybody who begins Irish dance at the age of 18 or older, or who returns to Irish dance after a break of five years or longer. Adults in this category may compete in adult competitions including adult grade-level competitions, adult championships, adult traditional set, and adult teams.

Advanced Adult
An Advanced Adult dancer is anyone age 18 or older who has previously placed in the top 3 of a Preliminary Championship competition or who competed in Open Championship levels in the youth/&over levels regardless of when they were active. Dancers at this level may compete in advanced adult championship competitions, as well as adult teams competitions. Once a dancer starts competing in the Advanced Adult category, they may not return to the youth/&over categories.

Question 5

How do Adult competitions work?

Like most competitions in Irish dance, adult competitions are divided by level, with opportunities for beginners through the championship level. As with dancers who begin as children, adult dancers typically begin by competing in what are known as the grade levels. At these levels, dancers compete for placements in individual dances in both hard and soft shoes, such as the reel, slip jig, light jig, heavy jig, hornpipe, and traditional set. 

Dancers who see success at these levels then compete at the adult championship level. This is typically a three-round championship competition, where placement is determined based on a dancer’s cumulative performance in a hard shoe round, a soft shoe round, and a traditional set round. Adults who compete at the Advanced Adult level will participate in the advanced adult championship where placement is determined by performance in a hard shoe, soft shoe, and modern set round.

At the North American Irish Dance Championships, IDTANA offers four opportunities for adult dancers: a three-round adult championship, a three-round advanced adult championship, a one-round adult traditional set championship, and adult team competitions.

Question 6

What do adult Irish dancers wear?

For class, most dancers of all ages simply wear whatever they feel most comfortable moving in, such as a T-shirt and shorts or leggings, although some schools may have a uniform they ask students to wear, such as a school-branded shirt. Talk to your teacher about appropriate footwear for your first class. In most cases, beginners can wear sneakers, ballet slippers, or other simple, comfortable footwear. As you continue your journey in Irish dance, you will likely want to purchase Irish dance shoes—typically soft shoes first, and then hard shoes as you become more advanced—especially if you plan to compete.

For competitions, adult dancers wear a wide range of outfits. Many dancers will wear a leotard and skirt or a simple shirt and pants, while some choose sparkly solo dresses or vests, and many choose an option somewhere in between. Most schools have a school costume option that dancers can wear, and many dressmakers offer cost-effective alternatives to their typical blinged-out offerings, which are very popular with adult dancers. Your teacher can advise you on some options for your first competition. Once you start competing you will get a great feel for the wide range of possibilities and can figure out what option empowers you to perform your best.

Question 7

Do I have to be Irish?​

Definitely not! While Irish dance grew out of Irish culture, today’s Irish dancers hail from all cultural backgrounds, and absolutely everybody is welcome to join us. If you are interested in Irish dance, then Irish dance is for you.