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IDTANA Launches New Website

The IDTANA board is so proud to announce the launch of our new website and branding! This project has been in the works for over a year, and we couldn’t be more excited to show off the result. Our new website was envisioned as a resource hub for new and current dancers, where visitors can learn about Irish dance and our organization, find a dance school, find a feis or grade exam, and view the most up-to-date news about IDTANA and Irish dance in North America. Additionally, our website features an extensive backend hub for teachers, allowing them to complete yearly registration, upload and manage their school and events, view members-only resources, and communicate with other members all within the website.

Our website is also our first chance to show off our new look – a brand new logo and brand. Our logo was inspired by the fluid motions of a ceili dance, using emblematic Irish dancing imagery to create a unique and modern symbol that embodies inclusion, continuity, and welcoming. Our core color scheme is drawn from the flags of the three IDTANA member countries. All three flags feature red and white, with only Mexico’s containing green, only the United States’ containing blue, and Canada flying red as its main color. The resulting color scheme, as reflected in our logo, highlights all three countries, with green for Mexico, blue for the United States, and red for Canada. You can read much more about our branding and logo here!

Our website and branding were developed in collaboration with design studio Aura Creative, owned by designer and dancer Gabrielle Siegel. New photography was created for the site by dance photographer and dancer Silpa Sadhujan. Additional photography was sourced from dance schools and photographers around North America. Thank you so much to everyone who helped bring this project to life!

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