
The IDTANA is an incorporated nonprofit organization, and is led by an elected Executive Board of six officers who may serve for two consecutive two-year terms. The officers are members of the IDTANA and are elected by their peers at an annual convention of teacher members from all across North America. The officer positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Sergeant-at-Arms. In addition to the administrative roles that these officer positions require to support the organization, the officers also meet regularly to fulfill their fiduciary duties to the organization required by law, and to respond to the needs of the membership on a constant basis. 

The IDTANA also recognizes an Extended Executive Board, which includes the Past President of the IDTANA, the Regional Directors of the seven recognized regions of the IDTANA, two CLRG representatives from each region, North American Examiners who are members of the CLRG, and any co-opted North American members of the CLRG. The Extended Executive Board consists of approximately 35 North American members who are current members of the CLRG, and comprised of the North American delegation to the CLRG. This larger group enables the officers of the IDTANA to continuously have input from its membership from all over North America, and permits decisions and activities to be taken up in real time as needed to support the membership, while ensuring consistency of communication.

President Lisa Petri, BG, Mid-Atlantic Region
Vice-President Margaret Cleary, SDCRG, Western Region
Treasurer Megan Hickey, ADCRG, Mid Atlantic Region
Recording Secretary Anne Hall, ADCRG, Southern Region
Corresponding Secretary Deirdre Penk-O’Donnell, SDCRG, Western Canada Region
Sergeant-at-Arms Allison Weber Erickson, BG, Mid America Region
Past-President Russell Beaton, SDCRG

Una Ellis, ADCRG
Fedelmia Mullan Davis, SDCRG
Anna O’Sullivan, SDCRG
Peter J. Smith, ADCRG