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Remembering Siobhán Moore

It is with tremendous sadness that we share the passing of our colleague and friend, Siobhan Moore, ADCRG (1958-2022). Siobhan was an intrepid soul who was passionate about Irish dancing and animals, especially her cats. Anyone who met Siobhan knew immediately that she was a refreshingly genuine individual. We extend [...]

A girl stands wearing a sparkly pink and white solo dress. Her hair is curly and she is wearing a matching fabric crown. The IDTNA logo is woven throughout.

Find a Feis

Events Find a Feis With over 200 local Irish Dance competitions (Feiseanna) in North America annually, you can easily participate in an exciting and professional competition circuit with categories defined by age groups and skill levels. Use our Feis Directory below and start a supported competitive career that can bring [...]

Thank You!

IDTANA Membership Thank you for submitting your registration! You will receive an email shortly confirming your registration, and containing your username and password. Please make careful note of this information, as it will be your access to members-only sections of the site once we launch. You will receive a second [...]

Remembering Gary Healy

Sad, stunned, shocked, heartbroken. Over the last few days, there was a collective gasp heard throughout the worldwide Irish dance community when told of the loss of IDTANA member Gary Healy, ADCRG. Gary’s vibrant and unforgettable personality coupled with his talent and passion for Irish dancing made him a force [...]


Resources Cyril McNiff Memorial Scholarship Program Available opportunities and how to apply The IDTANA is proud to sponsor several scholarships for high school seniors and current college students. Each year, usually in the Fall, the IDTANA Scholarship Committee provides a link to an application form, which also contains detailed information [...]

Grade Exams

Events Grade Exams Resources and upcoming dates CLRG Grade Exams provide a structured framework within which Irish dancers can progress towards an achievable goal. The Grade Exams syllabus has been designed to provide a strong foundation in Irish Dance by developing a candidate’s physical skills, stamina, expression, musicality and an [...]

Past Majors

Events Past Majors Upcoming competitions The North American Irish Dance Championships (NAIDC) is held annually in North America over the first week of July and is hosted on a rotational basis by each region. Scroll to view a list of past NAIDC locations. Looking for information on the next NAIDC? [...]

Three young girls in sparkly Irish dancing solo dresses stand in front of a fountain holding American flags. The IDTANA logo is woven throughout.

Major Competitions

Events Major Competitions Upcoming competitions In addition to hundreds of local competitions, or “feiseanna,” IDTANA and its member regions host a number of “major” competitions each year, which serve as qualifications for the World Championships. These include the North American Irish Dance Championships (NAIDC) – a week-long international competition – [...]

Find a School

Find a School Begin your Irish Dance Journey Start your Irish Dance journey today! Use our simple interactive map and click on your area, or use our easily searchable directory below, to find a local, professional, certified, and vetted teacher in your neighborhood. JUMP TO Interactive Map | Directory List [...]

How to Get Started

About IDTANA How to Get Started How to find a teacher, and what to expect. If you, or your little one, is ready to give Irish dancing a try, then you’ve come to the right place! We are a non-profit organization that is composed of Irish dance instructors from all [...]